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Registration & Payment

Register online to sign up for your membership. You may attend a monthly meeting and a new members' coffee meeting before paying your annual fee. You can find the details about the meeting time on our homepage.  Questions before joining?  Send us an email.  

You can sign up for your membership with our application form found belowOnce you have paid your annual fee you will become a full member.

Membership Dues

Membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st

Payment Options

Payment may be made either in cash at a monthly meeting or by bank transfer (Überweisung). We have no other web-based payment option (ie. Paypal or Stripe).

PLEASE NOTE: To become a member, you MUST register your details on the website so we can contact you; payment of dues is not enough. 

Bank Details: 

Name: Munich International Women’s Club e.V. 

IBAN: DE43700700240438679300


In the two lines under Kunden-Referenznummer, please print ‘YOUR name’, the ‘year’, and the word ‘DUES’.  For example: Angela Merkel - 2025 Dues.  This makes it easier for us to avoid confusion if the bank account is in another person’s name (e.g. the member’s partner). 


Have you left (or will soon be leaving) Bavaria but would still like to keep in touch with the MIWC? Well, now you can! If you return for a visit, you are welcome to attend activities. As an Alumnae, you maintain access to the MIWC website and can participate in virtual events. 

If you have paid your membership fee for the year prior to leaving Bavaria, you may become an alumna; the annual alumni fee is €10.

Please submit a request to become an Alumni member to the Admin Team.

Membership Registration

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