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We firmly believe that we should contribute to the community in which we live.  As a club, MIWC supports several charity organizations, with a particular interest in those for women and children. 

This is an overview of our Five Target Charities:

We firmly believe that we should contribute to the community in which we live.  As a club, MIWC supports several charity organizations, with a particular interest in those for women and children. 

FRAUENHAUS - We support the women and children of FRAUENHAUS MÜNCHEN Frauen Helfen Frauen e. V. as per our constitution.  Our annual donations go to a monthly outing or event for the children and Christmas gifts each year selected by the mothers.  We also sponsor their garden day.  In addition, we donate handmade teddy bears, gingerbread houses at Christmas, and donations from members.  More information about Frauenhaus.

KARLA 51 - Members continue to donate slightly used, high quality items to Haus Karla. Items such as clothes, shoes, bedding, linens, jewelry, handbags, and suitcases are welcomed by the women in this shelter.  Members can drop off their donations personally, or bring them along to our club's monthly meetings where a volunteer will deliver them them for you.  There are also individual volunteer opportunities here, such as helping women who visit the Kleiderkammer find the items they need. More information about KARLA 51 including donation details.  

NEEED - Since 2014 we have sponsored a female college student for her 2-year scholarship program through the GLOBAL NEEED BURKINA in Burkina Faso.  We have seen our past 3 scholarship students graduate and successfully find a position to use their skills.  The Founder and Director, Lacine Sawadogo, spoke to our club members last time he was in Munich.  They do really important work for the education of girl students in Burkina Faso.  More information about NEEED.

FAWCO TARGET PROJECTAs a member of FAWCO we support and contribute to the Target Project which follows a three-year cycle of issue awareness and education, project selection, fundraising, project monitoring, review and evaluation. The FAWCO Target Projects demonstrate the power of FAWCO Clubs working together toward a common goal.  Increase knowledge and awareness of global issues affecting women.  Read more about FAWCO.

SAFE HOUSE IN TANZANIA - Our club has donated funds to the Safe House in Tanzania since 2017.  In 2019, the Safe House was selected as the FAWCO Target Project as a result of our member, Jane Romain’s, application. We currently sponsor a 2 year post high school scholarship for one girl at the safe house.  More information about SAFE HOUSE.

Over the years we have also supported other charities brought forward by our members and we have supported a variety of projects at the Peace Church where we meet in person when possible. 

Most Current Updates:

  • 08 Dec 2024 13:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear women of the MIWC, 

    We wish you tomorrow a wonderful x-mas lunch

    A warm and cosy meeting

    And a MERRY X-MAS!

    With our best wishes for the new year !

    Thank you sooo much for your wonderful support for our children and women in the FRAUENHAUS.


    Sibylle Stotz

Spotlight on:


Naffisatou Porgor

MIWC donated €920 in 2022 to support a student of Midwife training L'Association NEEED in Burkina Faso.  Naffisatou Porgor was selected in mid-2020, and after a delay due to Covid, began her 2 year midwifery program in September.   Naffisatou is 20 years old, loves traveling and music and her favorite sport is handball.  She is fatherless and lives with her mother and 4 brothers and sisters in a small village commune.  Her most ardent wish is to successfully complete her training and then quickly find a job as a midwife in a health center.  Thus she will be able to help the women and children and also support her family financially.


Neema Gicheine Marwa

MIWC has donated €1000 toward a scholarship for a student at the Safe House belonging to the Organisation of Girls and Women in Tanzania (HGWT).  Neema is 18 years old and the daughter of a small scale tribe farmer and one of 10 children, with 5 brothers and 4 sisters. The MIWC scholarship covers her school fees, educational materials,  school uniform and all other school contributions for the two year program preparing her for university entrance.  She will complete her first year of “A” level studies at the Geita Adventist school.


Lori is now a regular volunteer at the Blumenau location, handing out perfectly good produce to over 150 families rain, snow or shine! What dedication!

MIWC members and their families helped to set up, collect, sort and distribute produce to over 130 families at the Milbertshofen Münchner Tafel last summer.  Thanks, Irene, Sonia, Victoria and Michael!


We would like to thank everyone for their generous contributions to Frauenhaus for Christmas.  The total donations in 2024:

€ 2526 

A big thank you to Susie Lentz for once again providing beautifully hand made Hexenhäuser in 2024 to the children at Frauenhaus! The hand crafted mug gifts were an extra nice surprise!


Our members use their time and talents in many ways to benefit the charities we support.

Roberta's comfort Teddies for the children at Frauenhaus

Ute's handmade socks sold for charity

Kathy's regular volunteer work at KARLA 51


Our women's shelter offers 19 women, including their children, refuge from their violent partner, safe housing with an anonymous address, advice and support in freeing themselves from (male) violence and in building a self-determined life. We have our own children's area with a multi-professional women's team for mini groups, kindergarten groups, (remedial) educational individual support, school children's groups and educational advice in the mothers' group..

"What are the top two most pressing needs of the Frauenhaus?" 

"Quite honestly, monetary donations are what we need the most."  

Members who wish to donate individually to Frauenhaus outside our normal MIWC annual donation for children's enrichment activities and our Christmas request can do so by making a direct transfer:

Account Holder: Frauen Helfen Frauen
IBAN: DE85 7001 0080 0321 1998 06

The women, children and staff of the Frauenhaus thank you!

Frauenobdach Karla 51 (KARLA 51)

Frauenobdach KARLA 51 offers homeless women (with and without children) advice and emergency admissions around the clock in its house and café. The facility has 55 single rooms (two of which are wheelchair accessible).  The employees of KARLA 51 also advise homeless women who are staying overnight in the municipal shelter and accompany them on their way to long-term housing.

KARLA 51 maintains a small Kliederkammer of gently used clothing and shoes for women and children along with basic household items, such as bed linens and towels.  Women are able to visit the Kleiderkammer a few times per year to select urgently needed items for themselves.   

MIWC members support this endeavor by bringing the best of their gently used, SEASON-APPROPRIATE shoes, clothing, outerwear, jewelry, bed linens, table cloths, towels, handbags, accessories and suitcases to the monthly meetings where club volunteers take turns driving these donations to KARLA 51.  

Individuals can also take their donations directly to KARLA 51 at Karlstraße 51, 80333 München.  Note that a very few small household items may also be accepted, such as glasses, dishes, pans and basic kitchen supplies. 

KARLA 51 requests donations of items in excellent condition only, please, as their space is limited.  Smaller, frequent donations are easier to accommodate than one-time, huge amounts.

Scheduled drop-off times are:

Mondays 17:00 - 21:00

Wednesdays 9:00 - 15:00 

Saturdays 9:00 - 21:00

It is strongly requested that you call first, especially when dropping off LARGE AMOUNTS or outside the normal drop-off times.  (089) 5491510.

For more information on how to volunteer as a driver and/or as an assistant to the driver (help load and unload items) one to three times per year OR to help with the Kleiderkammer at KARLA 51, contact

Our donations are greatly appreciated and find new homes very quickly. 


Burkina Faso has a very poor basic education system that faces a number of problems. Around 15 children in 100 do not go to school. There is no equal access to education and the illiteracy rate is nearly 70% (almost 80% for women).  MIWC has a long history with this school.   Following graduation from high school, we sponsor one girl for a two year post high school program, made possible with the funds from our club.  Here is the most recent update from our scholarship student Naffisatou Porgor.


The Safe House is a shelter for young girls fleeing from forced female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage in the Serengeti area in rural Tanzania providing immediate care, schooling, and vocational training. 

The Safe House

  • strives to reintegrate the girls back into the community as independent and self-sufficient women
  • conducts community education and outreach about the harmful effects of this traditional practice on the girls and communities
  • works with tribal and community leaders to stop this practice

MIWC Sponsors a student for her post high school 2-year program.  Here is more information about our current scholarship recipient.

To learn more go to

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